9000 Varna, Bulgaria
+359 52 636094; +359 52 401813

Claims & Average Adjusting

Marine Consultants and Offshore Engineers

Claims Services 

Claims by their very nature of arising from accidents do occur and need to be dealt with in a speedy and efficient manner. Underwriters have become more involved in the management of claims and it is no longer sufficient to simply ask Underwriters to pay large sums in the way of claims without them being aware of developments and being given the opportunity to share in decision making when necessary.
The way claims are handled is therefore changing and we see our job as being responsible to both the Assured and the Underwriters.

Average Adjusting 

MSB has two certified average adjusters to serve General Average and Particular Average cases.
In addition to the routine work of adjusting claims we have travelled to locations to assist Owners representatives on the scene if matters were being complicated or to negotiate settlements. MSB has also been required to give opinions on claims matters and organized small in house seminars.

Unique Cost-effective Approach 

International shipping has changed considerably. Policy conditions have been simplified and the tonnage being operated is newer and better maintained, in line with the tightening up of regulations internationally. An awareness of environmental issues has also played a role in the operation of the vessels.
We are aware that costs must be kept to a minimum and this is why we have developed abbreviated forms of dealing with more straight forward matters involving close cooperation between the technical and the claims experts.